Joining the inthedance email list requires just two steps.

Step 1:
Fill out this form and click the "Join Group" button:

Step 2:
Send an email message to In your message, please describe why you wish to join the group. Include any relationship you may have with the Mystery School community, Jean Houston, Social Artistry, Peggy Rubin, Sacred Theatre, The Dromenon Project, or anything else you want us to know which will enable us to approve your membership request.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Austin & Jonathan Talbot
Administrators of the inthedance email list.

Thank you to Sacred Theatre alumna Penny McManigal for permission to use her painting "Dance the World" on this website.
Thank you to Mystery School's honored scribe Betty Rothenberger for inspiring the title of this list and website.

This website has been created with the help of:
w3.css | stackoverflow | css-tricks
Most Recent Update: July 24, 2021